Manager's Message

It is a privilege to share my thoughts through this website, an endeavour of the students and staff. While introspecting, it revealed to me that our students have never deviated from the path of steadfastness and have continued their journey to reach further milestones of achievements- like excellence in the board exams and in multifarious fields of sports and culture.
A young child is like a hidden treasure and in this 21st century where there is an explosion of knopwledge and information the school`s role becomes very crucial. It has to act like a prism for the child providing him/her with ample opportunities to bring out the multifaceted hidden talents and make him/her a well balanced and responsible citizen of the future who will contribute positively to the society and bring laurels to his/her family.
Just as raw clay is shaped by the potter we need to mould them and develop their personalities. They are like buds each with its unique fragrance and colour and with infinite possibilities of bright future on the horizon of life. I feel proud to say that the school provides conductive atmosphere for the overall development of the children and exposes them to creative experiences. By doling so, we give them the gift of a rich and memorable childhood while laying the foundation for a lifetime creative expression.
I wish that all of them find their own place under the sun. May God in every human being surface and understand as well as nourish the humanity and planet earth.

Dr. Kuldeep Sharma
P.Hd., B.Ed., B.A.

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